GCI has filed an application to discontinue our cable television/video service with the Regulatory Commission of Alaska (RCA) and has requested to sunset TV offerings by late spring 2025. This service, which has been available throughout Alaska, provides cable television programming, video-on-demand, and related services to our customers. While our priority is to keep the service running smoothly for you until then, we do encourage current GCI TV customers to choose new streaming providers at their earliest convenience.
You may obtain more information about this filing by contacting Juliana Wayman, Senior Director Regulatory Affairs, 2550 Denali St., 1000, Anchorage, AK, 99503; phone: (907) 868-5600. The complete filing is also available for inspection at the Commission’s office, 701 West 8th Avenue, Suite 300, Anchorage Alaska, 99501; phone: (907) 276-6222.
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