The energy industry is constantly transforming operations through technology.
Connect and optimize through technology.
With a customized assortment of technology, you can lower costs while gaining control of your operations by collecting real-time insights, regardless of location. We provide an opportunity to improve operational efficiency through the adoption of technologies like smart sensors, video analytics, geofencing, and radar.
Maintain visibility into your operations in Alaska.
We continually invest in the most robust network in the state, with the largest LTE coverage area on the North Slope and dual-fiber connectivity to the lower 48. Our North Slope facilities are built to provide high-availability, low-latency connectivity between your Alaska operations and your corporate headquarters.
"GCI’s expertise in client representation on large telecom projects is exactly why we partner with them."
Work with a team of experts ready to create new capabilities for your business, fine-tune operations, or simply ease overhead. No matter your goals, we will develop solutions to help you meet them.
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