Visual Voicemail – iPhone

December 14, 2022

Visual voicemail stores voicemail messages in audio files and allows you to playback messages from a visual interface on your iPhone.


Visual voicemail allows you to view and listen to your voicemail messages without the need to dial into GCI’s voicemail system. Visual voicemail requires a data connection, however, data does not count against iPhone customers data allowance. Visual voicemail with the iPhone does require a cellular connection; users must turn off their Wi-Fi connection. Visual voicemail will not work via the Wi-Fi on iPhones.

Listening to Messages

1. Voicemail Notification displays. Tap Listen

Listen button phone screenshot

  • Visual Voicemail message displays with the number that called, and if available the time the message was left
Voicemail menu screenshot

2. Tap the Play button, which is the arrow to the left of the message.

Play voicemail button
  • Visual Voicemail message plays back displaying message progress on a progress bar at the bottom of the screen
Voicemail progress bar

3. Options display (shown above)  to Call Back the number or Delete the message.

Delete Messages

1. During or after playback tap the Delete button.

Voicemail delete button
  • Message disappears and Deleted Messages folder displays

2. Tap Deleted Messages folder.

Deleted message menu
  • Deleted Message folder displays
  • While message is highlighted you have the options to Undelete or Clear All.

      A. Tap Undelete to move message back to Voicemail Inbox.

Voicemail undelete button

  • Deleted folder is empty, tap Voicemail button to return to Inbox.

       B. Tap Clear All button to permanently delete messages in the Deleted Message folder.

Clear all voicemails option

  • Confirmation asks: “Permanently clear deleted voicemails?” Click Clear All to continue clearing all deleted voicemails, or click Cancel to cancel clearing deleted voicemails.

Clear all confirmation screen

Calling from within Visual Voicemail

1. With voicemail message highlighted, or during playback tap the Call Back button.

Call back button
  • Call is placed.

3. Or tap the Message Info arrow to the right of the message.

Info icon
  • Message info is displayed for the message

4. Tap Call to place a call.

Call contact button
  • Call is placed

Text from within Visual Voicemail

1. Tap the Message Info arrow to the right of the message.

  • Message Info displays for the message

2. Tap Send Message to send a text (SMS) message.

Send message option on contact screen
  • Text/ SMS /New Message window displays

3. Type message in the message window and tap Send.

Send message button
  • Sent message displays in Message window.

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