Watch YouTube™ on GCI TV powered by TiVo

December 12, 2022

Now you can browse and view YouTube™ videos from the comfort of your couch!

Finding YouTube™ videos. Browsing YouTube on GCI TV powered by TiVo is just as easy as browsing YouTube on the Internet. Here’s how:

  1. On your TiVo box, go to TiVo Central.
  2. Select ‘Find TV, movies, & videos’ > ‘YouTube.’
  3. Here you’ll see popular videos in the main part of the screen. On the left side of the screen, you will a vertical list of icons corresponding to video categories (Trends, Film, Sports, Comedy, etc.). If you have purchased content (premium subscriptions, etc.) from YouTube, you’ll find that content available here too.
  4. Use the UP and DOWN arrows on your TiVo remote control to scroll through the list of categories. Then use the LEFT and RIGHT arrows to browse videos in the selected category.
  5. When you find a video you want to watch, highlight it and press SELECT.
  6. To exit the video and continue browsing, press the REPLAY button on your remote control

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