It’s time to start streaming – TiVo Stream

December 12, 2022

It’s time to start streaming – TiVo Stream

TiVo Stream allows you to take your shows on the road, anywhere anytime! To stream or download shows from your TiVo Premiere series DVR, you’ll need the latest version of the TiVo App. If you don’t already have the TiVo App, download it from the App Store (free) and install it on your device. If you already have the TiVo App, make sure it’s up to date (with no updates pending).

Found something good to watch while browsing the Guide? One TiVo Premiere series DVR is capable of streaming up to three shows at once. Press the “Watch Now” button and you can choose to watch that show on either your TV or iPad. It’s a great way to keep everybody happy when the big screen is occupied.

Before you head out the door, it’s easy to transfer the shows you want to watch on the road. Once you sign-up for TiVo Stream, a ‘download’ bar shows your progress, and you can drag and drop shows to prioritize the order they’re downloaded – a handy feature when time is short!

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