In response to customer feedback, we are no longer pursuing any options that would affect your GCI email address(es). They will remain unchanged.

Support - Customizing your Mailbox

December 1, 2022

Customizing Your Mailbox Initial View

In your Preferences Mail page, Default Mail Search shows the initial view when you log into your mailbox. The default search is your Inbox folder, so when you sign in, the contents of your Inbox will show. You can change this to display a different folder, tag, or a saved search when you first open the web client.

  1. Go to the Preferences > Mail page.
  2. In the Displaying Messages > Default Mail Search text box, specify which messages are displayed when you open your mailbox by entering a search keyword followed by a colon, then a folder, tag, or a saved search name. Use quotation marks if the folder or tag is more than one word. For example, you could search in: ”Unread Email”.
  3. Click Save.

Personalizing Your Account Appearance

You can personalize aspects of your account appearance from the  Preferences > General page.

Change the Theme

A theme is a color scheme that personalizes the appearance of your account. You can choose different themes in your Preferences settings.

  1. Go to Preferences General.
  2. In the Appearance > Font drop-down, select the font. You can also change the Display Font Size and Print Font Size.
  3. Click Save.

Change Font and Size

You can change the font and text size.

  1. Go to Preferences > General
  2. In the Appearance > Font drop-down, select the font. You can also change the Display Font Size and Print Font Size.
  3. Click Save.

Change Language

  1. Go to Preferences > General.
  2. In the Time Zone and Language section, select the language you want to use.
  3. Click Save.

Change Text Direction

  1. Go to Preferences > General.
  2. In the Time Zone and Language > Compose Direction section, choose Left to Right or Right to Left.
  3. Click Save. You'll be asked if you want to reload your account to use the new text direction, or use it the next time you sign in.

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