Setting up Port Forwarding

February 26, 2024

  1. From the home screen tap the Gear icon on the top-right to access the Settings page.
  2. Tap on Advanced Settings towards the bottom of the page.
  3. An IP reservation needs to be set for the device before ports can be opened.
  4. From the IP reservation, tap on Open a Port.
  5. Enter a name for the rule (each name needs to be unique.
  6. Enter the External Port number the service requires.
  7. Enter the Internal Port number to be used on the device.     
    • Use the same number as the external to just open the port, or another number to route the traffic to a different port.
  8. Choose the required Protocol
  9. Tap on Apply.
  10. Repeat these steps for each rule needed.
    • If the external port has already been used for one service, it is not necessary to set it again for a different service on the same device.
    • The external port number for each rule can be the same. However, the internal port number must always be unique. This means you will need to choose another internal port number for each local device.

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