Applying Shield settings

February 27, 2024

When Shield features such as Online Protection and Content Access are applied at the network level, all devices connected to your WorkPass network will be protected, including your guests'. There is no way to provide protection to only your guests without applying the same protection to your Secure and Employee zone devices. 

 Shield feature   Network level (Guest, Secure, & Employee)   Employee level   Device level (Secure & Employee) 
 Content Access   YES   YES   YES 
 Online Protection   YES 
 Advanced IoT Device Protection   YES 
 NO   NO 
 Adblocking   YES 


Applying Shield Settings at the network level

  1. From the home screen, tap the Gear icon on the top right to access the Settings.
  2. Scroll down to the Shield section and tap on the feature you wish to enable.
    • Any feature that is currently showing as Custom has rules applied at either the device or Employee level.
    • Anything showing as On is enabled at the Network level already.
    • Advanced IoT Device Protection is network level only.
  3. Turn on the feature and tap the empty area to close the pop-up
  4. It will now be displayed as On.

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